Monday, June 30, 2014


I inherited a very wonderful condition from my Mother who inherited it from her Father who inherited from his Mother and so on and so forth. Anywho it's called Panic disorder and sometimes it's a problem and sometimes it's not. I sometimes go six months without a panic attack and other times I sit on the verge of panic for days.

I am in one of those funks at the moment. My vision gets blurry, it's hard to hear or breathe, my chest feels heavy, and I lose control. It's one of the big reasons why I don't drive. In terrified that I will have a random panic attack for no good reason and kill some innocent people just trying to take their kid to the park or something like that. 

I really have a hard time coping when I start having back to back episodes. I'm afraid of everything. I worry my children aren't going to be fairly treated while I'm trying everything I can to just get my resting emotions in check. It's times like this I'm glad they are independent and for the most part well behaved.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Anna's second birthday baby doll.

I'm not actually all that happy with how this turned out, but it's my first time actually working with jersey as the folks skin. Anna liked the doll until I added hair and now she keeps asking me to take it off!

Vintage Patterns

I've been thinking it might be nice to post some of my vintage patterns for other people to use since I love finding ones other people have posted. My problem is not knowing how long a copyright lasts or what legalities go along with such things. I think for the time being I'll stick with just posting ones from like the 40's. If anyone knows anything about what I can or can't legal post I'd love to know about it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hand Sewn Skirt

Yesterday and today I worked on completely sewing this skirt by hand. I made it a little long on purpose so it would fit in October and November, but I way over did it!

Monday, June 16, 2014

I decided that since I had a bunch of leftover scrap yarn I should make another scrap blanket. This one is only twin sized to fit on Jackson's bed so it should go a little quicker. I'm not sure I like it so far. Hopefully it gets better as it gets longer.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Hand Sewing (Literally)

I'm on a hand sewing binge.
I added an inch of length to a skirt for Nanna by sewing on some lace.
Since the kids and I have been sick I've been inspired to work on some more handkerchiefs. Note the finished blanket!
I even decided to fancy one up with some lace. I'm thinking I really ought to use a thimble because my poor pointer finger is getting dry and I occasionally accidentally sew it to whatever I'm working on!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Three Year Old Teacher

I am so proud of my little guy! Actually I'm proud of both kids, but at the moment I can't help, but feel a special sense of pride in Jackson.

He's been inventing new variations with his pink tower and brown stair all on his own for a little while now, but the thing that is really great is that the other day when Anna was in his room, which doesn't often happen because I keep feeling like she's not ready and we usually work while she naps, he took charge and started teaching her! 

This is what it's all about! It's also a prime example as to why I don't believe in age segregated classrooms.

I want to stress that I had nothing to do with this! I sat in my chair and simply observed. Jackson was encouraging and patient. I'm not sure how these two are managing to grow into such amazing people with such ease!