I have always had a poor immune system. I'm less sick now than I've ever been, but growing up I got everything that went around. The family recently got sick and I got it worse and was sick longer than everyone else put together.
I'm a big baby about going to see a doctor and haven't actually gone in about six years (other than urgency care twice and the ER once). I really should go I have mass amounts of stomach pain quite often. I recently started having a new pain in my stomach, hence the trip to the ER, and apparently I now have issues with my gallbladder.
I want to be healthy! I hate that I feel like I take much better care of myself than a huge chunk of the population, but I wouldn't consider myself in good health.
I NEED to try harder I guess. I need to stop doing anything that could be remotely bad for me and live in a bubble.
If you can't tell I'm feeling bitter, I am.
I've been trying to keep my chin up and stay positive, but every thing that gets thrown our way just makes it harder and harder.
When we went to burry Marley Anna slid downhill on her face and got right back up and ran right back up! Why can't I naturally be more like that?