Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Goals for the new house

•Make a school area for Jackson. I feel like he needs a special space that is specifically for doing serious work without being interrupted by ANYONE. I would also like to keep expensive learning materials separate from toys that visitors and mouthing babies can play with.
•Start implementing a homeschool routine. I want to try starting out the day (after breakfast that is) with circle time where we read a couple books, sing some songs, and do a calendar update. After that I'm not really sure how to plan out the day, I feel like the kids aren't really old enough to have to much structured time.
•Start working on more school materials like the big felt calendar for circle time.
•Have fewer toys out at any one time.
•Develop a better system for rotating out toys and school materials. I really have to stop just throwing everything we aren't using in a big box in the closet!
•Start menu planning. I never have a plan and it makes grocery shopping an "end-of-the-month" meals harder.
•Get into a cleaning routine. Right now I have a very hard time with this because Shayne only works three days a week so the other four days have no rhyme or reason to them. By the time Friday roles around the house it a total mess! 
•Start line drying the clothes and diapers. Shayne doesn't want his clothes or the towels line dried, but I'm going to try line drying them and then fluffing them and see if he notices.

1 comment:

  1. These are some really great goals and youve already reached some!
